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Plastic Free OnlusPlastic Free Onlus

Plastic Free and Companies

Together we can do more

By becoming our partner you will be a frontline player in positive change

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We have implemented sustainability projects for:

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Sustainable Development Goals

Our activities meet five SDGs by supporting your organisation's sustainability report

For more information on the SDGs visit the United Nations website

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Main sponsor national event in 2021
More than 200 simultaneous environmental clean-up events throughout Italy were sponsored by GLS, which added to its sustainability report the result of 240,000 kilos of plastic and waste removed from the environment.
Environmental cleaning with employees in 2023
By becoming our Silver Partner, Arena chose to bring its employees into the field to give a strong and clear signal about the company's commitment. At the end of their activities, they included our report in their corporate sustainability report.
Premium partners for schools in 2022
Thanks to CBRE's premium donation, it was possible to purchase water purification systems to reduce the use of plastic bottles in four schools and to raise awareness among hundreds of students. The company then received a report on the activities carried out.
Technical support for sea turtles
Concrete support for the turtle rescue centre with Nordline's purchase of a truck, which was later converted into an ambulance for the sea turtles.