Our organisation

Since 2019, we have been in action to fight plastic pollution by raising awareness among as many people as possible.

We are a non-partisan, apolitical, independent, non-profit volunteer organisation committed to concrete projects and battles to protect the planet from plastic pollution. The brainchild of Luca De Gaetano, today it is the most concrete reality on the Italian territory and with a presence in more than 30 countries around the world.

Our achievements

  • 4,359,585 Kg4,359,585 Kg
    of plastic and waste removed from the environment
  • 7,7517,751
    Cleanup appointments put in place
  • 280,833280,833
    Sensitized students
  • 3,5643,564
    Appointments in schools
  • 230230
    Sea turtles rescued
  • 6,7226,722
    Accompanied at birth
  • 460460
    Protocols of agreement
  • 122122
    Plastic Free municipalities

Our organisation

We are all over the world

All over the world, our ambassadors are fighting for a planet free of plastic pollution.
Through their dedication, they represent our association at the local level, promoting initiatives to reduce pollution and raise community awareness.

Our history

Swipe to discover our highlight moments

March 2019Plastic Free idea, logo and social pages are born.
June 2019100,000 users become fans of our communication.
July 2019Plastic Free association is born on July 29.
November 2019First appointment of environmental cleanup.
March 2020Reached 100 Plastic Free ambassadors.
June 2020First sea turtle rescued.
September 2020First national environmental cleaning event with 60 appointments.
October 2020First awareness event at a school.
December 2020First memorandum of understanding signed with a municipality.
March 2021Reached 1,000 Plastic Free Ambassadors.
May 2021Maxi cleanup of the entire Po River with 5,377 volunteers.
October 2021First water system installed in a school.
June 2022First Plastic Free Municipality Awards Event.
December 2022River Eye project for river monitoring is born. First cameras installed on 4 Italian rivers.
April 2023Record, national event with 334 simultaneous appointments.
June 2023First national event dedicated to combating cigarette butts.
September 2023Eco Event Plastic Free stamp is born.
October 2023First Plastic Free forest with 1,000 trees opened. Referral Diary is born.
November 2023First smoking area installed.
March 2024Birth of the Scientific Committee.
April 2024Beginning of internationalization.
June 2024Birth of the Network of Universities for the Environment Plastic Free.
August 2024Reached firsts 30 nations with internationalization.


Positive change made in small steps together with those who love our dear planet.

Positive change made in small steps together with those who love our dear planet.